World Spine Day 16th October 2022

Back pain is up there with some of the leading causes of disability all over the world and on October 16, thousands of people around the world celebrate and educate others about back and neck health on World Spine Day.

Who here has never experienced some variant of back pain? From the crack your back makes when you do some heavy lifting to neck pains when you sleep the wrong way; almost everyone on the planet understands the troubles of back pain.

When your spine hurts, it seems as if everything hurts. World Spine Day is a day to spread the word about spine conditions, educate people or get educated on how to avoid or treat them, and get inspired to take better care of your general back and neck health.

World Spine Day was initiated in 2008 by the World Federation of Chiropractic. For years, the WFC has coordinated World Spine Day together with other concerned organizations around the world to raise awareness of back pain and other spinal issues.

About 1 billion people worldwide suffer from back pain, spinal pain, and related disabilities across different age groups, genders, and races. For context, there are about 7.6 billion people on Earth. Back pain is the single biggest cause of disability on the planet and one in four adults are estimated to suffer back pain during their lives. With such eye-opening statistics, it is no wonder World Spine Day is so necessary.

Chiro Clinic Update

Dear Patient,

Chiropractors, osteopaths, dentists, have been permitted to remain open by the Government (see Public Health England (2020, No 350, part 3, No 37).

There was the realisation that Vocational Medical Services are important and if closed it will increase the pressure on A&E.  We remain open and are taking every precaution that we can.

All patients arriving for treatment will be required to bring and wear a mask (with the exception of those that are exempt) and to sanitise their hands. All clinic staff will be wearing PPE (protective personal equipment) in line with the laid down guidelines.

We ask patients to not attend the clinic if they have tested positive for, or are showing symptoms of Covid-19. We also ask that patients do not attend the clinic if they have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for, or are showing symptoms of Covid-19.

If patient are required to isolate we ask that they please call the clinic on 0208 301 5859 so that we can reschedule their appointments.

Best wishes,

Bexleyheath Chiropractic Clinic

Chiro Clinic Update

Dear Patient,

Chiropractors, osteopaths, dentists, have been permitted to remain open by the Government (see Public Health England (2020, No 350, part 3, No 37).

There was the realisation that Vocational Medical Services are important and if closed it will increase the pressure on A&E. We have been closed, but are re-opening on Tuesday 14th April, taking every precaution that we can.

You may have an appointment booked and you may receive a reminder text. If you do not wish to attend or are isolating for 12 weeks plus, are not in pain, we would appreciate you calling the clinic to change your appt (0208 301 5859), as we have 1000s of patients to manage.

Please also call to change an appointment if you have been in contact with someone showing the symptoms of Covid 19, or if you have not been in social isolation since 23rd March.

If you attend, you will be asked to wash your hands, and we will ask you to sign a disclaimer. If you have your own PPE (protective personal equipment), please bring it.

Best wishes,

Bexleyheath Chiropractic Clinic

How Chiropractic treatment at Bexleyheath Chiropractic Clinic can help with sports injuries

One of the main sources of a chiropractor’s work is helping sportspeople overcome various injuries and here at our clinic in Kent it’s no different.

Indeed, if you’re looking for a highly trained and recommended chiropractor then our experienced team of chiropractors have a great reputation in dealing with sporting injuries and getting people back to full fitness.

We also offer help and advice on how clients can avoid repeating similar injuries in the future.

And, let’s not forget, that the types of sports injuries we deal with on a daily basis aren’t just limited to athletes or sportspeople – people doing everyday tasks also suffer similar injuries.

Essentially, we can help anyone who plays sport who has suffered a traumatic injury, such as a slip, fall, or collision. We can also help those with a repetitive stress or overuse injury.

Most traumatic injuries we see are generally dealing with ligaments which is the tissue that connects bone to bone and to muscles.

Ligament damage is called a sprain and the most frequent places for this type of injury are the ankles, knees, and shoulders. You can also injure the lower back and neck.

Treating these types of sporting injuries depends on the degree of damage sustained by the patient. We also take into account the patient’s age and where the injury actually is.

And once chiropractic treatment begins you will be surprised at the rate of recovery. A chiropractor will also give tips and advice on how to manage the injury and avoid further instances from occurring.

A chiropractor can also help in treating overuse or repetitive strain injuries from sports such as golf, tennis and bowling – essentially sports that require the participant to make the same movement repeatedly.

Such a movement will cause a light strain to tissues, usually tendons and muscles but it’s the cumulative effect of lots of repetition which can cause more serious problems.

It has to be said too that the older a person is the more liable they are to such an injury.

Chiropractors can help with treating such sports injuries and give advice such as warming-up properly before exercise as well as advising on things like stress, which can be a major factor on some muscle injuries because the patient is tense.

For more information about what our experienced team of chiropractors in Bexleyheath can do to help your sports injuries and getting back to fitness, then call us on 0208 301 5859 or email as at

Back pain and what causes it – Bexleyheath Chiropractor Kris Krumins Shares His Insight

It’s a fact of life that almost everyone gets back pain at some point, but staying active and with the help of chiropractic, may well be the best solution.

At Bexleyheath Chiropractic Clinic, many of our patients back pain comes from everyday activities and often they may have fallen into bad practices and put stress on points of their body which eventually have a painful reaction.

For instance, many people have poor posture which leads to back pain.

This can be from sitting at desk for many hours, slouching while watching TV or sleeping in a bed that has a mattress that is too hard or soft.

Back pain is also caused by hunching your back and shoulders in stressful situations.

On top of these issues, our chiropractors in Bexleyheath also see patients present themselves with back pain caused by simple things like tying their shoelaces.

Some people may have hurt their back by simply lifting a weight that is too heavy for them or using the wrong technique to lift the heavy object.

Repeated daily activities such as bending, lifting and twisting, as well as other lifestyle factors may result in back pain.

When you attend a chiropractic clinic the chiropractor will make an initial assessment of your pain and its potential causes – which means you will be asked about your everyday activities.

Chiropractic is the treatment of the symptoms of back pain through gentle, specific manipulation of muscle tissue and for treating the cause to help prevent a repeat episode.

This effective treatment is generally painless, although you may feel some short-term discomfort if your back is already very sore.

In addition, a chiropractor will also advise on a course of exercises to be carried out by the patient and tips on a healthier lifestyle as well as information on avoiding future back pain.

If you are looking for a chiropractor in Kent, or would like more information about back pain and what causes it, contact us on 0208301 5859 or email as at