What We Treat at Bexleyheath Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession. This means that chiropractors have extensive training in the examination and diagnosis of conditions which cause back, neck and joint pains. We treat everyone, from babies and beyond.
Problems That We Treat:
We are often asked “what’s the best way of finding out whether a doctor of Chiropractic can help my problem?” We believe the answer can be found in a complete consultation and examination and x-ray referral if appropriate.
Conditions and areas we treat:
- lower back pain
- neck pain
- headaches
- pain or numbness in the legs or arms
- scoliosis
- people with osteoarthritis
- sprained ankles
- frozen shoulder
- hip joints
- knee joints
- shoulder pain
- trapped nerves
- sports injuries
- people with osteoporosis
- pins & needles
- achilles tendonitis